Soaked! I decided that although I might get on the wrong side of the locals I was going ahead and making a fairy ring right there in the middle of this dumping ground/walkway/meeting place/furnace. Out of the burnt objects I salvaged wooden blocks and placed them in a cirlce at the top of the path. The black charred blocks glistened in the rain. I walked around to evaluate my creation.
Needs something!
Across the road there were some daffodils and a man stood at the bus stop. Just to be on the safe side I asked him if he knew who owned the land where the daffodils were growing.
"What do you want daffodils for?"
"For a fairy ring."
"Come on let's go and get them!
and off he went, "Come on!"
He told me that he was born on the 2nd March- and asked me to guess his name. I guessed right. He came over the mound of rubble intrigued at what I might be up to. So I gave him half the flowers and we decorated the fairy ring. He told me this used to be the Richmond pub.
"You should find out about that history", he said as he left, laughing at himself and what we had just done.
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